Loan rates

Interest rates effective as of  January 15, 2025
Rates are subject to change without notice
Click for Loan Calculator, or look under Services.

Loan typeAPR*Notes
Mastercard9.96%No annual fee
Personal**10.00%Rate subject to credit
New car5.99%Rate subject to credit approval
Used Car5.99%Rate subject to credit approval
Passbook Loan (up to 95% of secured funds)+2.00%over certificate rate
Home Equity Line of Credit
Prime rate
Floor rate4.00%
Mortgages *** (call for down payment requirement)
Adjustable rate mortgages- down payment 10% or higher- no PMI required.
5/1 Year ARM6.00%with closing costs / 0 points
5/1 Year ARM

7.00%no closing costs / no points
5/1 Year ARM6.00%10% down. (NO PMI)
FIXED RATE- 15,20,30 Year. * Rates can change daily.
For FHLB - 15 Year6.75%
For FHLB - 20Year6.875%
For FHLB - 30 Year6.875%
For Taupa- 15 Year6.75%
For Taupa- 20Year6.875%
For Taupa- 30Year6.875%

* APR is the Annual Percentage Rate